Jack Lemmon, one of America's greatest character actors, died
recently aged 77. Held in high regard by 'Tales From The Woods' editorial board
for his intelligence, wit and perfect timing, Jack bowed out on the theatre of
life almost a year to the day after his old sparring partner from the odd couple
Walter Matthau (incidentally the inspiration behind Hold The Third Page). Of
course the list of films could fill several pages – ‘Some Like It Hot’
with Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Joe E Brown. ‘Prisoner On Second Avenue’
with the equally wonderful Anne Bancroft and ‘The Missing’, the latter being
a personal favourite. Equally, it could be argued, of Jack himself, who said in
interviews that it was the film that took stock of his life, making him
reconsider his view politically and otherwise. ‘The Missing’ was a film
based on the life of a young man of idealistic left-wing tendencies who
disappeared during the overthrow of the elected government of President Allende
by the Pinochet led military and the subsequent tireless search by the boy's
father. It was while researching for this role in the company of the young man's
father that Jack found himself questioning long-held beliefs. Thanks Jack, for a
lot of brilliant movies.